Indonesian Peasant Alliance
Jumat, 16 November 2007
Address : Jl. Saleh Abud No. 18-19, Otto Iskandardinata, Jakarta 13330, Indonesia
Telephone : +62 21 819 9749; 851 9611, Fax : +62 21 850 0052
Brief History
Aliansi Petani Indonesia, shorten as API is an organization of peasant federations at national level. API was established based on the agreement among independent peasant organizations in Java and Sumatra. The urgency of this establishment was grounded on the necessity of the peasant movement to be a pressure power movement against injustice policies which had marginalized the live of millions of Indonesian peasants.
API was officially established on September 24th 2003 at peasants' national meeting in Cipayung - Bogor, West Java. Its values are solidarity and equality in serving peasant unions.
On March 2001 in Yogyakarta where Peasant Exchange Visit Program took place, the spirit of API have been re-inspired. Following that meeting, on September 2nd to 5th in Peasant's Strategic Planning in Garut, West Java, a discourse on the existence of API occurred. As the result, a deeper understanding of the existence of API was gained.
None of the agrarian problems in Indonesian have been solved.
The disparity of land right and its occupation is rising since the
colonialism era.
National Agrarian Law has not been effective in keeping peasants from
injustice condition, contriwise, in many cases their rights were taken away
by force for industrial sake.
The use of violent by the state apparatus to shut peasants in struggling for
their land.
In spite of the huge number of peasant organization in Indonesia, there were
no founding organization which unites groups at the same platform.
To provide access of information for peasants .
Capacity building for peasants and their organizations.
Justice, welfare and prosperity among the peasants societies
To build conciousness on social - economics and politics through education
and information.
To strengthen solidarity among peasant organizations at local, national and
international level, and defend their rights.
To struggle for a conducive governance and law systems.
To pursue a participatory political policies at national level.
- Building national and international network
- Withstanding the AoA (Agreement on Agriculture).
- Sharing access of information at local level.
- Building database on the agrarian cases
- Forming Tactic and Strategy Action
API is constitute by peasant organizations in district and province level. Detailed as follows:
West Java Province : Pakidulan Peasant and Fisherfolk Union (HPNP) Sukabumi District, The First Thrilller Peasant (PETAWA) Sumedang District, Cianjur Peasant Union (PPC) Cianjur District, Karawang Peasant of Forum (FORUM PEKA) Karawang District.
Central Java Province : Independent Peasant of Forum (Forum Intim) Kudus District, Banjarnegara Peasant Small Business of Forum (Bina Usaha) Banjarnegara District, Rembang Peasant Union, Rembang District,
East Java Province : Tuban Peasant Union (SPT) Tuban District, Lamongan Peasant Union (SPKL) Lamongan District, Pasuruan Pesant Union (SPP) Pasuruan District, Tlogo Makmur Peasant Union of Malang District, Gunung Biru Peasant Union, Batu City, Tapal Kuda Peasant Movement (PPTK) Lumajang District, Tapal Kuda Peasant Movement (PPTK) Banyuwangi District, Situbondo Peasant Union (Pantas), Probolingo Pesant Association (Aspek Pro) Probolinggo District, Jombang Peasant Musyawarah of Forum (FPMJ) Jombang District, Independen Peasant Group (KTI) Jember District, Ngawi Peasant Union (SPKN) Ngawi District, Kediri Peasant Union (SeTaRi) Kediri District .
North Sumatra Province : Peasant Independent Organization (OTM) North Sumatera Province, Binjai Langkat Peasant Union (SPBL) Binjai District, Peasant Siantar Simalungun Aliance, Siantar District
South Sumatra Province : Ogan Komering Ilir- People Struggle Solidarity (SPR OKI), Distrik Palembang, Sido Makmur Peasant Solidarity (Rukun Tani Sido Makmur)
Lampung Province : Mighaknadai Peasant Union
Central Sulawesi Province : Peasant, Fisherfolk and Plantation Workers Union
West Nusa Tenggara Province : Sumbawa Peasant Union, Sumbawa District, Sumbawa
Island Peasant Silaturrahmi of Forum Dompu and Bima
General Secretary : Muhammad Nur Uddin
Treasurer : M. Rifai
Staff Division
1. Education, Campaign and Information Division : Nur Hady
2. Advocation, Network and Information Division : Bowie Tarigan, Fuad Bahari
3. International Relationship Division : Fathonah
4. Economic Development Division : M. Herly Putra